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Grace Pastors Fellowship (GPF)

Grace Pastors Fellowship is a ministry to pastors of local churches. Everything from the papers to the Q&A sessions to the fellowship inbetween is geared at serving and connecting them.

We want as many pastors as possible to be able to come. To that end, the meetings are free and there is no denominational affiliation required.

Originally called The Fellowship for Reformed and Pastoral Studies (FRPS), the name was changed to Grace Pastors Fellowship (GPF) in 2008, after 40 years. These meetings are not your average ministerial or denominational strategy session. Rather, they are a time of personal development, prayer, networking and growth in the gospel.

What if you're not a pastor? We'd still love for you to come! If you're in ministry of any sort, or even if you just love the Word of God and desire to study it more, please join us.


Monthly meetings

10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Note: Some meetings are held at Jarvis Street so please refer to schedule below.

Grimsby Bible Church

Pastor Mathieu Brideau
377 Park Rd. North
Grimsby, ON L3M 2P6

Google map

2025 Grace Pastors Fellowship Conference

May 26–25, 2025

Main speakers:

Additional speakers:


  • Full package (2 overnights, 6 meals starting with Monday supper, registration, snacks) $330
  • Partial package (6 meals starting with Monday supper, registration, snacks) $240
  • Registration only (Monday $40 + Tuesday $70 + Wednesday $35) $145
  • Seminary Student (all inclusive) $150
To register, email Mathieu Brideau

Upcoming meetings

September 30, 2024
Christ's Royal Priesthood
David Schlock
Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Toronto, ON
November 4, 2024
Book review—Pride: Identity and the Worship of Self, by Matthew Roberts
Mat Brideau
Grimsby Bible Church, Grimsby, ON

“The ministerial work must be carried on purely for God and the salvation of souls, not for any private ends of our own.”

Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor

“Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.”

2 Timothy 2:21, ESV

“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.”

Acts 20:28 (ESV)

Listen to past GPF recordings

Some presentations include a pdf.
See below to download.
Pastors smiling



Join us!

Anyone who plans on attending any GPF meetings is asked to register once for the year. Even though the meetings are free, it helps to know in advance how many people to prepare for. We would also like to keep you updated on future meetings or events.

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